Monday, April 29, 2013

Where is the counselor sign?

Hello everyone! I can't believe I am starting my third week as a school counselor! It is so nice to finally be working and using everything I have learned. There are also so many things you can't learn until you are actually on the job. But considering I am coming in so late in the year I feel like I am doing pretty good. I love the children I work with. They are so sweet!

One of the things I knew I would need right away is a where is the counselor sign. The first week or so I was there I would just stick a post-it note on my door when I went out of the room. I started a pile of notes I was just trading out. Well I didn't like the way that looked. So it was time to put my craftiness to work! I saw a few on Pinterest but they just weren't want I was looking for. I also didn't want to spend a ton of time working on it. I wanted something that was not only easy to make but that also didn't take up alot of space and that I could flip around easily. I made the rectangle cards out of card stock I had in my scrapbooking stuff. Then I typed the words on a word doc. and printed them off. I used funky scissors to make it look fun. Glued it all together, laminated, and hole punched. So see the pictures below and I hope you get inspired to make your own :)

This is where I eat lunch when I actually have the chance to eat lunch with other teachers :)

The nice part about it being laminated is I can write on it with dry erase markers! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

New Job!

Wow I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted! I have been so slack this semester. I have thought about doing a blog post so many times but I have usually been too tired to mess with it once I have gotten home.

Well my internship is wrapping up. It has been such a good experience and I have been able to work with some great counselors. I learned a lot and was able to do a lot! It is sad leaving when you feel like you are finally getting a feel for the school and getting to know the staff. However, it leads to bigger and better things. Like a job! But more on that later. One of the things I have done during my internship is help make several bulletin boards. It makes me sad when they are empty or messy. Here are some of the ones I did.
I found this idea and all the materials for it online. Sadly I can't find what I did with the link.  I think if I redo this for elementary I will not have so much writing. But I still like it for middle :)

This is suppose to look like an ipod and have apps for different test taking tips. I thought it was an interesting idea. 

I made this one for the ISS room. I thought it would be good for the students to see while they sit there instead of class because of their behavior. 

So the past few weeks have been crazy because I got a job! As a school counselor! I had applied back in February and the principal at the middle school I had been at for internship called that principal on my behalf! I was called a while later and asked to come in for an interview and offered the job that day! Now before you get too excited it is only temporary until the end of the year. However, they are going to try and keep me and offer me the permanent job. Keep your fingers crossed for me! I have only been at the school for a week but so far I am really enjoying it. It was hard to leave the middle school early but I couldn't help but jump on this opportunity.