Monday, April 29, 2013

Where is the counselor sign?

Hello everyone! I can't believe I am starting my third week as a school counselor! It is so nice to finally be working and using everything I have learned. There are also so many things you can't learn until you are actually on the job. But considering I am coming in so late in the year I feel like I am doing pretty good. I love the children I work with. They are so sweet!

One of the things I knew I would need right away is a where is the counselor sign. The first week or so I was there I would just stick a post-it note on my door when I went out of the room. I started a pile of notes I was just trading out. Well I didn't like the way that looked. So it was time to put my craftiness to work! I saw a few on Pinterest but they just weren't want I was looking for. I also didn't want to spend a ton of time working on it. I wanted something that was not only easy to make but that also didn't take up alot of space and that I could flip around easily. I made the rectangle cards out of card stock I had in my scrapbooking stuff. Then I typed the words on a word doc. and printed them off. I used funky scissors to make it look fun. Glued it all together, laminated, and hole punched. So see the pictures below and I hope you get inspired to make your own :)

This is where I eat lunch when I actually have the chance to eat lunch with other teachers :)

The nice part about it being laminated is I can write on it with dry erase markers! 

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